Vivimu Delta 8 + THCp Disposable Review

Vivimu has a lot of cool stuff
OMG! I just went down a rabbit hole on Vivimu’s site. Wow! So much cool stuff, so few hours in a day to try them all.
I have been consuming cannabis for over 50 years and delta products for a year now. As a reviewer, I have learned a lot about vapes and enjoyed some great flower and edibles. But Vivimu’s site has some of the most fun-sounding stuff I’ve never heard of. I am looking forward to learning about distillates, crumbles and …are you kidding me?.. Carmel Popcorn!
The product I received was the Blueberry Cookies D8+THCp (Whatever all of that means) 1750mg D8 + 50mg THCP. OK. 2ml disposable vape – I understand what that means. My point. After 5+ years of pouring over these products, I don’t understand it. I just report on the things I like and don’t like.
Sleek, small, and discreet
I like this particular style of vape pen, – sleek, small, discreet. But this one clogged constantly and required sucking my lungs out to fix. Otherwise, I loved everything about the subtle flavor and gentle aroma. It was a smooth pull that didn’t make me choke. It showed up the day before Thanksgiving – thank you – and I was out. Love you Vivimu!
Clogging is a problem with many many vapes. I have a recommendation for Vivimu. If the vape remains vertical it rarely clogs. So I find a glass or some kind of holder for the nightstand. What if the box was designed to be the holder that kept the vape vertical and it had some cool artwork on it. Just a thought.
Concluding this review
I loved the product but had issues with the dispenser. But my time on Vivivmu’s website was worth it. I’ll definitely be back.
You can find out more about Vivimu products here. The Vivimu Delta 8 THC + THCp Disposable Vape is shown as priced at $39.99.
Have you tried these Vivimu disposables? Let us know in the comments or on our forum.