TribeTokes CBD Skin Care Review – More Pink Flamingos

I immediately recalled reviewing some products from TribeTokes a few years back because I remembered the darling box with the pink flamingos and the gold embossed tissue paper in the box. Fun and classy.
Just the right time
This time, I received a collection of skin care products at the perfect moment. As my readers know, I have struggled with some gruesome skin diseases throughout my life. For the past ten years, it has been debilitating ingrown hairs on my face. I finally got that under control lately using good ole Castor Oil – a miracle product but really messy, gooey, and sticky for everyday, pre-makeup skincare. So I was thrilled to see the Tribe Beauty Skin Serum and the Skin Toner.
Soft and natural
I totally love these products. The fragrances are soft and natural. I think the toner has a luscious rose vibe to it. I love the blast of floral I get when I spray it on my face. The serum is amazing, but I have mechanical problems with the container. I’ll give Tribetokes the benefit of the doubt that it’s a one-off. The pump got stuck in the lid. Then it came off and was stuck in the lid. I finally got it reassembled, but it’s leaking all over me. But the content of the unfortunately dysfunctional bottle is magic stuff, so I am dealing with the leakage. I’ll still give these two products two thumbs up!
Great pain relief
The third product that arrived was a Godsend. It’s called Tribe Revive – a topical pain cream. When it arrived this week, I was struggling with a tendon or ligament in my elbow that felt like it is tearing. I do a lot of lifting in my job, and it is becoming a critical problem. I tore through the packaging and slapped some of the cream on my injured elbow. Ohhhhhh… the relief was immediate. This cream is not going to heal my injured body part, but the Tribe Revive provides very effective relief for the pain. I have reviewed at least four of these kinds of products, and this is the best one – a ten out of ten for pain relief.
Concluding this review
I love Tribetokes. I look forward to more pink flamingos coming my way.
You can find out more about their products here.
Have you tried TribeTokes products? Let us know in the comments or on our forum.