Royal Remedies Delta 9 Gummies Review – Flavorful but Weak

Delta 9 Gummies are here thanks to Royal Remedies! A little background on this product; Delta 9 IS a Sativa, the amount that the company puts in a gummy is possible because of the 2018 Farm Bill (CBD products are legally allowed to contain 0.3% Delta 9 THC by dry weight) and their gummies are bigger than most because of this dry weight! The gummies weigh 4 grams each and they are supposed to be very potent, so max amount of gummies allowed to consume is ONE. These gummies came in four flavors: Mellow Melon Watermelon, Rowdy Raspberry, Super Strawberry, and Mango Madness, all of them sounding very yummy. I’ll be reviewing all the flavors to determine the flavors and the effects.
- Flavor
- Slow activating
- Overall effects
Recommendations: Maybe add more THC?
The Flavor
Have you had a gummy and all you could taste is a medicinal weed flavor? I’ve had this happen more often than not, but not with these gummies. When it says mango, that is the flavor you get and there is no aftertaste/lingering flavor of weed at all. They are like super gummy bears! Unfortunately, that seems to be the only plus about these gummies.
The Effects
Total ∆9THC Content: 200mg
∆9THC Content Per Gummy: 10mg
Gummies per Pack: 20
Extraction Material: Hemp
Delta 9 THC Content: <0.3% on a dry weight basis
I got my friend involved and had them take a half gummy, while I took a full one to see if the effects would vary. On the packaging, it says the max you can take is one gummy and not to go over that amount and the effects would kick in after an hour. After waiting an hour and another hour, I can say the effects were very underwhelming… I felt my muscles feel a little less tense, but not by much. It sort of took the edge off and that’s it. This occurred with each of the gummy flavors.
Is this recommended?
Not really… these each cost about $35 and I feel that there are other brands that have a better effect as well as the pricing.
You can find out more about Royal Remedies products here.
Have you tried these gummies? Let us know in the comments or on our forum.