Circle S Farms Cart Review – Great Taste and High

I got the good fortune to travel over to Nuwu, and if you walk or bus and have been there you know that is a bit of sarcasm. I know they are under construction, but I’d advise them to get a safer path for their pedestrian traffic. One other thing, and again, I know it’s all-new, but they need a more clear way for online orders to be picked up. I’m sure they are working hard to fix that. Now for the Circle S Farms Kobe cart, which was great, on sale, and even better!
- Reusable packaging (love a tin box)
- Basic simple design works on most batteries
- Great taste, no artificial aftertaste
- Quite a fine high that lasted
- The price off sale is higher than I’d pay
- It ran out ;(
Recommendations: None
I enjoyed every moment of this Circle S Farms cart!
Again, I loved how carefully this cart was packaged, I’ll be reusing that tib box. The flavor of this cart was delightful and made me feel like a kid. There are strong tones of sasparilla, root beer if you will. I found that to be quite charming. Took me back to a place that made me happy, then the high kicked in, and I was stuck in a joyful place of feeling young and light. It made me energetic and want to go do things, so I did. I’m not sure why a lot of Indica makes me feel like this, but I’m not mad at it! I’m going to have to try other strains of their products and also maybe check out their flower selection (if they have one I’ve not looked at yet.)
I think the profile was balanced and tasty
This .5g Cart has a wonderful profile. 842.47mg/g THC Myrecne 7.65 mg/g b-Caryophyllene 3.36 mg/g and linalool 2.84 mg/g made a great profile for not only a nice taste, smooth and not one bit coughy. I loved how this tasted like a fresh batch of root beer my neighbors made back in Wisconsin when I was just a kid. The high is nice, makes you lose track of time, and doing fun things seems to be even more fun with this cart. I’m going to be investigating more of Circle S Farms and their products to see how much I just may like this brand.
Good value
For $28.50 out the door, all day long would I be picking up such a great product. Now if I had to pay $40, I may have to see what my other options are. Will the Circle S Farms last me longer than a less expensive cart? I’d have to log in more carts from that brand to be sure. The Kobe did last a bit longer than a normal $20 cart would have lasted, however, I don’t know if it would outlast 2 of them… I’ll have to do more research into it and get back to you on that.
Will I be looking for more products from this company?
One word, absolutely! I not only enjoy the packaging and how I am going to reuse it, I really dug the cart. It was stoney in ways that got shit done. It made the mundane seem like a game. Who knew doing the dishes could be more fun than humans should be allowed? Well get yourself one of the Kobe Carts and you will see what I’m talking about. I mean I’ve been hitting this cart for 20 min while trying to write this review and I feel it’s going to be one of the best (or worst) I’ve ever put together for a product, and Circle S Farms is to blame.
You can find out more about Circle S Farms products here.
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