Koi Delta-8 Gummies and Hometown Hero Sour Belts Review – Nice High

I recently received a delightful package from Ethereal Gold Dispensary. I totally loved the three strains of flower I received. You’ll find a separate review of them. I particularly loved the Hometown Hero, Raygum flower. But I have to be honest here, the Hometown Hero, Sour Beltz Delta 8 gummies were too much for me.
- Great high
- The gummies taste nice
- The belts are a bit too sour
Recommendations: None
Maybe too sour but the buzz is great
The gyrations I went through after putting half a belt of sour strawberry in my mouth were spastic. It reminded me of the epic scene with Sheen in a Jimmy Neutron cartoon, where Sheen is bragging that they haven’t invented a sour too sour for him. After nearly wincing his face off from the sour vile he swallowed he announces that he stands corrected.
Sour Beltz ($40.00) are Sheen level sour. The buzz is fantastic, heady and an intense body high, or perhaps low. But I can’t handle the sour. I wouldn’t order these gummies, but I recruited some friends to try the Sour Beltz. They loved them!
Koi gummies taste delightful
The Koi Delta 8 gummies ($29.99) they sent are more palatable. I got the watermelon flavored. The taste is very mild but delightful enough that you would like to eat the whole jar like candy, but 1 cube is enough for a mellow, still rock-my-day kind of vibe. The Sour Beltz are a much more intense high. I’ll stick to my flower though, I don’t choose to consume edible products with corn syrup in them.
If you are into sour – these are for you. If you’re not, peruse the Ethereal Golds web store for something with a little less pucker punch. Ethereal Gold Dispensary has a wide variety of exciting products at fair prices.
You can find out more about Ethereal Gold products here.
If you tried belts or the gummies from Ethereal Gold let us know in our forum.