Woven Earth Relief CBD Arnica Cream Review – Very Effective

I already had a CBD arnica cream in the house I had just reviewed when the Woven Earth product arrived. But I need and use pain relief products for my skin and for my structurally messed up wrist so I dove in.
Interesting color
I was surprised by the color. It was an interesting light green shade. I put a generous amount on an area of my skin that was irritated and painful.
First I noticed the aroma. Interesting. I couldn’t put my finger on what it smelled like. My son said it seemed like a combination of avocado and mint, Based on the ingredient list he was right. There are a number of chemical compounds I can’t pronounce and don’t know about but I was impressed with the list of natural ingredients like avocado oil, olive oil, peppermint, eucalyptus, sunflower seeds, and rosemary. There is also an ingredient that I perceive to be a form of menthol, and of course full spectrum hemp.
Slowly, a wonderful tingling feeling came over the area I had applied the cream to. It wasn’t hot or stinging like some menthol/peppermint products can be. I had put it on broken skin but it was a plus, not an irritant.
Impressive blog section on the site
I headed to the Woven Earth website. What I was most impressed by was the blog section. There was an endless amount of individual blogs about any topic a new user would like to explore. I found a number of topics I want to go back and read more about. Mostly I was excited by the constant mention of CBD being an anti-inflammatory agent. Almost all disease revolves around some kind of inflammation. Muscle aches are usually caused by inflammation in the tissue caused by lactic acid. It seems like a smart product for pain relief, especially with the arnica in it.
I like almost everything about this product and the company. I like the product and ingredients and there was a generous amount of it. My only criticism is I feel the price is out of my ability to afford it. A user with more income than I have would be well served by it but I can’t afford $39 for pain relief lotion although I fully acknowledge the product is valuable to me.
For those who can afford it ($39.00), this is a very effective pain relief product.
You can find out more about Woven Earth products here.
Have you tried any of their products? Let us know in the comments or on our forum.