TYSON 2.0 Flower Review – Fragrant and Tasty

Today I got a 1/8th of Roller Pigeon by TYSON 2.0 (Redwood Cultivations) and it’s fantastic. Packing that Tyson punch, the high comes on fast. I felt happy and euphoric and time seemed to just glide along. These nicely packaged buds had a nice bounce. No mummy dust here! When consuming my joint, about 1/2 got me there and lasted for hours.
With a THC level at 26.95% and an incredible array of terpenes made this a very flavorful experience. Something in the way of a spicy sandalwood taste that set the vibe for the room. As someone came in after I’d consumed and asked what incense I was burning? That is a quality product right there. The price of $40 is totally fair for the product and I will use this brand again.
- Nice packaging, love the glass jar
- Buds are just the right size, with no extra stem
- Great Smell
- Very stony
- Smooth taste
- I don’t have an endless supply in my home, really, I cannot find anything wrong here
Recommendations: None
This is K.O. was unseen, roller pigeon? I’m a pigeon!
I am so thrilled to have picked up this quality product. The complement of terpenes makes it not only fragrant but tasty as well! Whoever is growing and curing this flower needs an award. I’m a very critical person, and I cannot find one thing wrong with this flower, keep up the good work and I’ll keep looking for your product.
The High was Great
After consuming one joint (took me about an hour to finish) I was good for 3 hours on the go. At no point did I feel the need to seek out a place to sneak a hit out in the world. This Amazing, bubbly high kept my mood good and the pain at bay. I got in about 4 miles of walking and it was a little windy, and I did not care, that’s how good a mood it put me into. Thank you, Tyson, you knocked out all my troubles today!
Value for the product, Just Right!
At $40 per 1/8th, heck yes would I pick up this flower again? I may just have to make it my new #1 go-to, as the high last longer and I smoke less in a day, win win I say!
Will I be picking up this flower again soon?
I’m going to be looking everywhere for the flower by TYSON 2.0, Roller Pigeon (what’s in a name?) This is a product I will pick up again soon. From the moment I looked at the jar, I could see it was going to be quality. The sparkly buds called out to me, so I opened the jar. I was overcome with an amazing aroma of spice and sandalwood. The wonderfully cured buds were just the right size. Sometimes they give you giant buds like it’s impressive.
Impressive stem and TYSON 2.0 seems to get it. Cured to perfection too, not dry, not wet, and just a bit sticky/tacky to the touch. This potent flower sure took me to a nice high that was fun, euphoric, and very upbeat. I felt like no one could get me down, and as I was on the Las Vegas City bus, no one bothered me, I just did not care. I’m good with that! Can’t wait to try their other strains in the future.
You can find out more about TYSON 2.0 products here.
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