Galaxy Treats Rockets THCO Cart Review – More Like THC-oh?

IMPORTANT UPDATE: THCO (and its isomers) are now banned by the DEA. Unlike the majority of cannabinoids, THCO does not naturally occur in the cannabis plant. Furthermore, THCO is an acetate, and acetates have been shown to be harmful when vaped. We at DabConnection do not recommend products containing THCO.
I was asked to try out Galaxy Treats Rockets Orbital Peach (Hybrid) and Gravity Melon (Indica). Each pack contained 2 full carts that each lasted about a day.
Overall, I’m not sure what THCO is, all I read states it is supposed to be the new high in cannabis. Some people claimed to have a stronger buzz than using conventional products. For me, this was not the case. I’d tried for 3 days. 7 to 8 puffs at a time, wait, nothing, more drags nothing. Smoke a bowl of Flower, I’m feeling fine. Perhaps THCO does not affect me. I did not feel “high” or anything in the realm of being spiritual.
- Easy to assemble
- Nice taste
- Good open design, no clogging
- No body high
- No head high
- Made me feel tight in the chest after a day of using
Recommendations: Please improve the strength of these carts so that veteran users can get at least a bit of buzz from them.
Is THCO the new high?
From a price point of $31 for 2 carts, it looks good on paper, but would I personally purchase this product? The short answer is no. I’ve never tried a THCO product in the past, and only just read about it as I was asked to review it. Maybe other brands have some sort of euphoric effect, but I never felt anything using either of the Vapes sent to me. I was looking forward to using the products after looking it up, but nothing.
The taste of each cart was different and I did not like them both
From a product point of view, it’s nicely packaged. No child safety stuff to navigate and they went right onto my batter with no issue at all. I felt that the Melon flavor was weird tasting with an odd chemical aftertaste that lingered. I don’t think I even finished one full cart of that one as it was just not appealing. The peach flavor was better and did not have an odd aftertaste. I used 1.5 of the carts in 2 days trying to achieve any sort of high with no luck, smoking a joint of flower at the end of the day to unwind.
So is THCO going to replace what I’ve been using, no? Would I be willing to try again, sure, only if it’s of no cost to me. I however will not be looking to purchase or recommend this type of product in the future.
Length they lasted me
I’d say that if there was a high, they would last quite well as they are large carts. I’m used to ½ the size. One of which would last me a few days. It’s too bad because I really love their design of them. So open and has such good airflow and never clogs as others do near the end.
Concluding this Galaxy Treats Rockets review
As a person who has used cannabis for some time now, I’d like to say that none of the vape cartridges are great for the environment. I try to keep my personal usage to more flower as it’s the most familiar, sustainable, and versatile. That said, as I live blocks away from Freemont Street in Las Vegas, smoke is not the best way to go, so I’ll take a vape with me to walk the streets and feel safe that I’m not drawing the wrong kind of attention to myself. That said, Galaxy Treats Rockets with THCO is not something I’d find of value.
You can find out more about Galaxy Treats Rockets here.
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