New Giveaway: TOQI 510 Wireless Battery – Update now closed

One of our consumer community outreach channels is the news-based social network Reddit. There we co-run the subreddit /r/fakecarts, to track down rumors and sightings of fake cartridges. That subreddit is growing to 50K users soon, currently at the 48K mark. To mark the occasion, we’re giving away a vaporizer battery by one of the top quality brands!
Giving away a Toqi 510 Wireless Vaporizer
This is a 510 compatible battery with Qi-compatible wireless charging, giving you the easiest charging experience. It has a built-in USB-C port, so you can use any standard USB-C charging cord. Together with fast charging and a battery size about twice the normal storage capacity, this is a quality battery you can use with confidence for vape after vape, up to 150 hits per charge! See our full TOQI 510 product review here.
4 days left, as of this writing!
To enter, go here and register with either your Facebook log-in or an email address. You must be over the age of 21 to qualify, and TOQI will check! No shenanigans now.
We will try to have more product giveaways in the future
We originally intended to make product giveaways a regular feature around here, but then things got weird. Right when we were getting things set up, COVID-19 hit and threw a monkey wrench in everybody’s plans. The pandemic shut down things like the cannabis industry convention circuit and cannabis festivals and other events. That hurt us too, because we would have used these venues to network.
The end of the pandemic may finally be in sight, at least in North America (will everybody please get vaccinated so we can end this?). Come what may, we’re figuring out different methods to arrange giveaways on a steady basis. Hang in there, we’re all puffing and toking as fast as we can trying to review all these products!