Deep Roots Harvest Cart Review – Strong Distillate, But Expensive

Here we review the Deep Roots Harvest cartridges. These come from the notoriously high priced Deep Roots Harvest dispensaries in Mesquite and Wendover. This particular batch is from their Wendover location. The strains we are using in this review are Zkittlez and Jack Herer. What I find after using both of these is that they are substantially strong but the prices are high just like everything else at Roots. If I should be heading to Las Vegas or Reno I would get carts there instead.
- Strong distillate
- Uses CCELL glass hardware
- Cheaper than most other carts that can be found at Roots locations
- Still expensive
- Taste is just OK
Recommendations: We would like to see Deep Roots continue to lower prices and these might end up being a good deal.
Deep Roots Harvest cartridges are strong distillate
The most important thing about these carts is that they are strong. Both are not weak and both are similar in strength. Here we go more into details and into each of the factors of the cartridges. If I was at the Roots right now and was looking to pick something up, these are not bad considering they are cheaper than most other options over there. I heard they often carry Trendi cartridges at the same price but they were not available at the time I was there.
DRH carts use the CCELL M6T
The M6T is the standard for cartridges out there. It’s glass, it’s efficient, and doesn’t waste that much oil. There could not have been a better pick for the cartridge hardware here.

Built quality is excellent on the glass carts
I put glass carts at a higher build quality than the plastic. We also get more efficiency out of it because less oil ends up sticky inside.
Deep Roots Harvest cartridges are substantially strong
These carts are not weak. They are all distillate oil and they are strong. Comparing to other carts that are also distillate, I would say they are comparable to the strains we found at the City Trees vapes. They are not as strong as our top picks Roots, Cannavative, and Tumbleweed but they are definitely above average. Probably in the top 30% for strength.
Oil stayed consistent on both of the carts
There was no change in oil color or quality like we saw previously on Brass Knuckles Napalm OG cartridges. The oil stayed consistent over the course of a about week and a half.
DRH uses thick distillate
The distillate in these carts is thick which is a great thing because you usually get more use of it that way.
The taste is decent, nothing spectacular
Nothing to write about home regarding the taste. It’s a pretty standard distillate taste. I would say that they don’t use any non-cannabis terpenes, also known as botanical terpenes. It’s not too harsh and the overall taste is just OK.
DRH uses thick oils in the carts which turns into a large number of puffs
You can’t deny the oil here is really thick and that it vapes slowly. You don’t feel as you have vaped them too quickly like you feel when using some carts with thinner oil.
Value needs improvement, but so is everything else from Deep Roots Harvest
Deep Roots Harvest dispensaries are known for high prices in Mesquite and Wendover. These are rural areas where there’s not really much money being made anyway. Doesn’t take that much time to drive some products from Reno or Las Vegas to Mesquite and Wendover. They are charging these high prices because they are the only dispensaries in the towns. It’s up to the towns to open more dispensaries so the prices can come down.
However, there are some dispensers that still have low prices. The prices at DRH are unreasonable and the prices of the cartridges are part of that. You are gonna get a much better deal heading to The Dispensary in Reno or if you are going to The Dispensary in Las Vegas. There you can get Tumbleweed Extracts carts that are better and get two of them for 50$. You can also get Kanji disposables – two for 40$. I would rather take Kanji or Tumbleweed and you are talking about half the price! So overall these are not a great value but comparing to other things at DRH it’s decent. That’s considering that City Trees there cost 55$ plus tax and DRH are 45$ plus tax.
Concluding our Deep Roots Harvest review
This is another high price DRH product that is a product of convenience. If you are in Mesquite and Wendover and you just need a cart or two these might be worth picking up if you are headed out somewhere else the next day you should pick up maybe just one and wait to get to a town with a better dispensary which offers products at better prices.
You can check DRH products here for Mesquite and here for Wendover.
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