Tonix Concentrates: No License, No Regulation, No Information!

Tonix Concentrates is a brand which exists in the twilight zone of black market street brands of THC vape cartridges. Not quite widespread enough to call completely fake, but certainly an unregulated street brand from a small, controlled source.
Tonix Concentrates home site makes no pretense of legitimacy
It’s a shame that people can put this much expense into the graphic design of this artsy web page and still not shell out for a license. The home page of Tonix Concentrates gets straight to the point. They have five flavors shown at the top banner and then go on to list six flavors below:
- Tropical Burst
- Strawberry Northern Lights
- Girl Scout Cookies
- Skywalker OG
- Gelato Sherbert
- Tonix Kush
I guess that last one is their “in-house” strain? Anyway, you’ll notice what’s missing from Tonix’s website. No info about what goes into these carts or testing of contents, no listing of dispensaries where this product is available, not even a “contact us” form. It has the slogan “we have what you are looking for.” This web page might as well be painted on a rock on the dark side of the moon for all the help it offers anyone who would actually be interested in trying their product.
Even the title of that page just says “quality vape products all over United States.” Gosh, thanks! I was wondering where to find them. That narrows it right down.
Tonix Concentrates on Instagram and WeedMaps…
The first thing you’ll notice on the WeedMaps page for Tonix Concentrates is that there’s more than twice as many products shown here as on their own home page. The WeedMaps listing has both vape cartridges and disposable vape pens. You’ll also notice differences in the packaging between the two sites:
My ballpark guess is that the site is showing a redesigned oilpen. You’ll also notice inconsistencies with the notch shape and placement on the side of the box, or whether a notch is present at all. The logo remains mostly consistent, but is more elongated in the WeedMaps oilpen images and the “X” is colored in differently for different strains. The strain is also listed at the bottom of the box, with various sized fonts and effects.
Not only is the graphic design cheap, but they’re inviting counterfeiters with their hodge-podge package designs. What does a *REAL* Tonix Concentrates package look like? We’ve been to two sites and already don’t know.
Now for the Tonix Concentrate Instagram. They’re no help in clearing matters up. Again, nothing about who they are or what’s in them, only the stock admonition “nothing for sale.” Then their pictures show, again, different flavor line-ups.
“Apple Burst,” shown here, is not shown on WeedMaps *OR* the Tonix home page! We now have three different stories about what their products even are. You’ll notice Tonix’s own Instagram channel has confused visitors asking questions that go unanswered:
“Heard they weren’t making carts anymore only disposable pens. Is this true?” – No reply, from a post back in December of 2019.
“Where are you guys located?” Good question! And good luck!
As we point out over and over here, we’re not out to get anybody. We’re a review site, though, so we’re within rights to point out what lousy customer relations this brand is exhibiting. Even if you’re a street brand produced out of a garage, the least you could do is pop in to explain something on your own Instagram.
Before you’re tempted to think this is a dead brand, the most recent IG post there is 20 hours ago as of this writing:
Sloppy mismanagement is a red flag to me on any brand, not just in cannabis vapes but any product. I wouldn’t buy a carton of milk from a company that was this careless in its public relations.
Social media shows Tonix are hitting the streets
Reddit posts:
- 2 days ago
- 3 days ago – “local plug in Cali” story
- 6 months ago
- 10 months ago
- 1 year ago
We also find a couple dealers on Twitter from summer of last year:
Tonix Concentrates appears on sketchy online vendor sites
At first when you find it on WeedMaps and this delivery service listed on Lifted, you’re thinking “Maybe they’re legit?”
Hmm, they have a couple other real brands but they’re also ones that are also frequently counterfeited. As we scroll down, the brands offered get more and more suspect until we hit:
We’ve hit Danks row! Run for your lives!
We have found one Tonix offering on a scam website reported to the Scam Directory, which is Tonix Concentrates also show up on several other sites which may merely not be listed in Scam Directory yet.
Not to be confused with Tonix Pharmaceuticals!
We want to make this abundantly clear: There is a separate company, Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (TNXP), which has no relation to this other Tonix. “Tonix” is also a common brand name for other products we’ve found, even some with no relation to the cannabis industry.
Final summation of Tonix Concentrates
Our take is that this is a black market brand through and through, likely centrally controlled and not widely counterfeited yet. We find no licensing, lab tests, or compliance with any regulation. They have been in business for seventeen months now, since their domain WHOIS reports a GoDaddy registration of March 2019, and they show activity up to today.
Unlicensed, unregulated brands like Tonix Concentrates may contain anything.
There is a deadly epidemic of lung illness tied to black market cart usage. Vaping-associated pulmonary injury has so far claimed 64 lives and hospitalized more than 2700 users. This was the main health story in the news before Corona Virus COVID-19 cases pushed it off the front page, but people are still getting sick off boof street carts. Unregulated vape carts could contain heavy metals like lead, pesticides, cut such as Honey Cut, or simply bunk. Or they could be fire if you’re lucky. But a lot of people in the hospital right now weren’t lucky.
If anybody has more information on where these are circulating, please feel free to help us protect public safety by sharing it with the community here in the comments or in our forum.