Cannabis and Tech Today: Best Publication for Cannabis

Cannabis and Tech Today: Best Publication for Cannabis

Cannabis & Tech Today is the number one publication site in North America when it comes to cannabis. They have all the information you can think of in regards to cannabis. Whether it is technology, Science, Legislation and many more. They are located in Denver, Colorado and have educated lots of people and spread awareness all around the world about cannabis. Cannabis & Tech Today is expanding at a faster rate day by day. This is due to their passion about evolving the science of cannabis and providing insightful content to their readers.

Name: Cannabis & Tech Today

Location: 3400 East Bayaud Ave., Suite 280 Denver, CO 80209

logo of cannabis & tech today

What Cannabis & Tech Today Does?

Cannabis & Tech Today is the number one publication for anything related to the business of Marijuana. They have tons of valuable content when it comes to business, science, technology, medical, legislation, culture and innovator profiles.

Their website basically covers almost everything you need to know about cannabis. They have a range of articles for each of the following categories. This gives you different ideas about cannabis for each topic. Moreover, all the information available at their website comes from trusted resources and they make sure to provide the readers with accurate information.

Our Mission

The goal of our publication is primarily to spread awareness and educate people about cannabis. They hope that in the long run, cannabis will no longer be a stigma. Because cannabis has numerous benefits which have been blinded with the stigma that it is harmful drug.

So, they want to make sure that the industry keeps growing in the future. Also, they want to help to destigmatize the cannabis products which would be beneficial to the world in countless ways.

Cannabis & Tech Today Digital Magazines

These are the online products that are in sale by the publication. These products are for sale in order to keep you well informed about the cannabis industry with exclusive content. They contain tons of valuable information with digital issues featuring various famous people. Among those people, there are Tommy Chong, Gary Vaynerchuk , Kevin Smith, Wanda James, Ricky Williams and others.

cover of three digital issues
Digital issues featuring Gary Vaynerchuk, Wanda James and Kevin O’Leary
tommy chong on the cover of cannabis & tech today
Digital issue featuring Tommy Chong

Is Cannabis & Tech Today Trustworthy?

The large number of distribution and event partners can let you judge by yourself how trustworthy the publication is.

Logos of the distribution and event partners with cannabis and tech today
Partners Featuring PlayStore, Curtis, Apple, Amazon kindle, Barnes and Noble
logos of the distribution and event partners with cannabis and tech today
Featuring Cannabis world congress and business exposition, issuu
logos of the distribution and event partners with cannabis and tech today
Featuring zinio, United Patients group, The Mairjuana Show, stm, MJBizCon

Main events

Cannabis & Tech Today also has the dates for lot of cannabis events across the country. Whether these are expos, cannabis world congress and other events. It has all the information which you need to be able to register for the event and also know the location. Check out the events by clicking here.

For more info on Cannabis & Tech Today ..

Check out their website, Facebook Page, Instagram or Twitter to find out more about the cannabis industry. You can also sign up for their newsletter to get great stories, videos, special deals, and the latest digital version of their magazine delivered to you.

Bert Blaze