Cali Piff Extracts: Unregulated Vape Brand

Cali Piff Extracts are a widely circulated unregulated vape cart brand. We find nothing about it but packaging and fly-by-night Instagram accounts. As we’ll see, whoever is putting these out there is trying to appear legit, but their efforts don’t add up.
Cali Piff Extract carts have been around with no company behind them
To get one question out of the way, “piff” is a slang term meaning “superior to the average” or a potent strain of weed. As of today, we propose the definition of “phony vape vial filled with mystery.” One tip-off with these is the logo, with similar script font used in the other Cali offshoots like Cali Carts.
As usual, we start out by getting the word on the street from Reddit:
- Cali Piff Carts (with vape additives!) – review posted 10 months ago just to say “these f*cking suck!”
- Cali Piffs – posted 3 months ago in a San Antonio group, so we know they’re in Texas.
- Has anyone heard of CaliPiff cartridges? – 11 months ago, poster says they got it from a street vendor.
Somebody also did the canonical in-car review of Cali Piff Extracts on YouTube. This is becoming a sure sign of a bunk cart – people go to their parked car to review a vape cart because they live where it’s illegal, so got it from a street dealer.
There is also a rap group called “Cali Piff Boyz” which seems pretty active on YT, but they don’t seem to be related to our mystery cartridge brand.
Cali Piff is well-represented on Instagram and nowhere else
The obligatory Instagram search turns up the usual posse:
The #calipiff tag on Instagram shows the alleged brand keeping company with some suspicious brands, such as Smart Carts which we covered ages ago.
Cali.Piff seems to be an “official” Instagram channel. Complete with gansta photos of Cali Piff carts laying on a luxurious bed of $20 bills, representing almost an entire week’s wages for a restaurant dishwasher.
Test results are meaningless in this context
That same Instagram channel also posts the obligatory test results sheets…
You can see the name of the lab, “SC Labs,” and a sheet of clean testing, which is at least a vote of confidence for this one cartridge. What’s missing is the carefully-cropped-off name, company, identifying information of the party doing the testing, and even the name of the cartridge being tested. So for all we know a ghost cracked a Stiiizy pen and brought the juice into a lab.
This attempt at lab-testing legitimacy is interesting, for the following reason…
Cali Piff Extracts packages are on black market websites
Here’s a classic:
Wow, that tag cloud reads like our street cart directory! There’s Exotic and Mario and Cereal and Dank. We see them in our sleep now.
But the juiciest one yet – we may have traced the packaging supplier!
This outfit “Peak Supply Co.” doesn’t sell oil. They sell packaging. In fact, if you check the menu items, they’re a one-stop cartridge filling shop, including headings like “cartridge filling supplies” which gives us a long sales funnel about “viscosity stabilizers.”
In other words, “stuff you add to vape cartridge filling to make it thicker or thinner.” Which is exactly the kind of stunt that lead to the lung disease outbreak among vapers in the first place. This product might assure us that there’s no vitamin E acetate in there… but that doesn’t mean the ingredients are any less harmful. Those low-quality Windows-Paint labels don’t inspire confidence.
Unlicensed, unregulated brands like Cali Piff Extracts may contain anything
There is a deadly epidemic of lung illness tied to black market cart usage. Vaping-associated pulmonary injury has so far claimed 42 lives and hospitalized more than 2000 users. Unregulated vape carts could contain heavy metals like lead, pesticides, cut such as Honey Cut, or simply bunk. Or they could be fire if you’re lucky. But a lot of people in the hospital right now weren’t lucky.
If anybody has more information on where these are circulating, please share it with the community here in the comments or in our forum.