EMB – High Risk Credit Card Processing Company

EMB – High Risk Credit Card Processing Company

EMB or eMerchantBroker’s business is built to meet the specific requirements of the high risk industry.
They have worked with thousands of companies and have experienced all the obstacles associated with operating high-risk businesses. Hence, used that experience to create a unique credit card processing platform that is built specifically with the high risk merchant in mind.

Name: EMB
Location199 West Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, California, 91360
E-mail: customerservice@emerchantbroker.com
Tel: (800) 621 – 4893

A High-Risk Merchant Account Provider Offering Boundless Services

high Risk Merchant Account Specialist

As a high-risk merchant account provider, their team at eMerchantBroker offers secure credit card processing for online businesses and offshore merchants worldwide. And so, if you are running what banks consider a speculative business, then turn to their reputable processors for quick and safe transactions.

EMB specializes in payment processing solutions for businesses that require high-risk merchant accounts to process credit card payments

Banks classify businesses in certain industries, as well as many online businesses, as high-risk merchants for a variety of reasons, including large numbers of chargebacks. Chargebacks are the fees credit card providers demand businesses pay to cover the losses from disputed or fraudulent transactions.

What Happens When a Business is Classified as High Risk

When a business gets labeled high risk, merchants can still accept credit payments. However, these businesses are subjected to higher processing rates. Additionally, banks can request a reserve on a business credit card processing.

eMerchantBroker High Risk Business Solutions

Sometimes, high-risk merchants can get banks to reclassify a business. However, it is not easy considering the many factors that led to the classification. A positive credit card processing history of at least six months or a small number of chargebacks and refunds can trigger a reclassification. Banks also expect a chargeback rate of less than 1% of a business’s total transactions.

High Risk Means Riskier Business

Chargebacks are a major concern for High-Risk merchants and are one of the main factors in lowered approval ratings. EMB has teamed with Ethoca and Verifi to make Chargebacks a thing of the past.

EMB has teamed with Ethoca and Verifi


Verifi reduces merchant risk by providing chargeback prevention a d combating fraud without affecting customers and sales. Merchants can focus on profits, rather than fighting to retain their hard-earned revenue


Ethoca’s Alert System reduces card-not-present fraud by creating a bridge between merchants and card issuing banks, giving merchants the power to prevent chargebacks. Get chargeback notifications in hours, instead of weeks

Get a CBD Merchant Account Without Added Strain

The CBD industry is a budding market thanks to recent changes in laws and public perception. As CBD continues to move deeper into the mainstream, savvy entrepreneurs are getting in on the financial action. Once they start, they realize that in order to stay afloat they must maintain cash-only businesses because they can’t get approved for merchant accounts.
