Pure Nectar and Truth Cartridges: THC Oil Brands or Fakes?

Selling fake cartridges has become popular and more have been making counterfeit vape carts that look a lot like authentic ones. We try our best to keep you guys informed on the fake vape carts through our posts, so you can avoid them and be safe from the negative effects the fake products might bring.
See our fake cartridge posts on Dank Vapes, Dr. Zodiak’s Moonrocks Clear, Exotic Carts, Eureka Vapor, Stiiizy, Space Vape and King Pen for more information on actual brands ha have been counterfeited.
UPDATE 4/23/2019: We have found what appears to be the “legitimate” Pure Nectar creator, but it appears to be an unlicensed operation. The cartridges are called Pure Nectar Premium. That still means most of the Pure Nectar carts are fake and are just packaging.
Pure Nectar Cartridges are faked all over, the real brand does not appear to be registered, and packaging sold on eBay
Recently we found what appears to be the official Pure Nectar brand. See their Instagram page. We also noticed that they use a wood mouthpiece while the other Pure Nectar branded carts have all been the standard clear mouthpiece. So if we can consider Pure Nectar Premium a real brand, it probably is fake without a wood mouthpiece.
Whether or not Pure Nectar Premium is really a brand may be up for question as well. It’s a situation similar to Dank Vapes. Not registered legally and faked everywhere, but there’s an Instagram account that appears to be the original source.
Truth cartridges appear to be a packaging-only brand
These Truth carts are not fake cartridges imitating another oil company, but a fake company altogether. Truth does not appear to make any oil or be registered anywhere.
These are not counterfeit products technically because the brands shown in these empty carts aren’t real in the first place.
Some examples of packaging from Truth and Pure Nectar carts
Below is an example of the first fake brand we will show you, Truth. These Truth cartridges claim to be “Premium THC” but really anyone can fill them up. That’s why fake brands are often no good.

Pure Nectar is another brand, but as mentioned above it might be real. Like, Truth, these are said to be THC distillates. The packaging of Pure Nectar is similar to Truth.

Truth cart packaging claims solvent free, but who knows if it is solvent free when it has not even been filled with oil yet? That’s the danger of fake cartridge brands.

So far, we have only seen eBay selling refillable cartridges. You can also buy Pure Nectar with only the packaging. Companies can buy cartridges from another seller.
We did find Pure Nectar sold in a marijuana shop called MMJ Dispensary. This shop sells pre-filled oil Pure Nectar cartridges. It appears to be an illegal operation selling carts online. Here are some pictures from their site:

There could be more made-up brands and fake vape carts keep popping up
We will be posting more of these if we find out about them. For now, we want you guys to be cautious about the cartridges you’re buying. They may either be counterfeit products or hardware that make it seem they are marijuana brands. Any company can just fill this hardware with dirty oil. If you search the internet for Pure Nectar or Truth, you will realize that at best Pure Nectar is an unregistered brand and Truth carts are a fake brand altogether.
Have you seen these cartridges yet? Comments or questions? Post a comment below or in our forum!