Receptra Naturals: Colorado Grown for your Active lifestyle

Helping the Healthy Stay Healthy
Receptra is a Colorado based company. They produce CBD extracts with their products geared towards athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Featuring a variety of products consisting of topical solutions as well as extracts. After launching in 2016, Receptra products have been used by many professional athletes from the NFL to the MLB. Bas Rutten a UFC champion has been a champion for these products. Receptra employs a team of health-conscious individuals who are excited by the benefits CBD can bring to the community.
Boost Your Performance
Homeostasis. The art of pursuing balance in your body. Receptras’ extracts are the perfect supplement for recovery and reduction of inflammation. If you are looking for a non-steroid solution to heal yourself after pushing it to the limit there are oral and topical solutions for you. These all-natural premium extracts grown and manufactured in Colorado. Providing optimal performance and recovery Receptra is an obvious way to go.
Natural Ingredients for the Household
The passion for natural ingredients is apparent from the top down. Organic Flavors and oils are the icing on the cake. Cannabinoids and high fatty acids will help to support mood, energy, muscle and joint health. Live, Love & CBD is the motto for this company. Not sure if Receptra products are for you and yours? They have created a helpful blog that answers these and many more questions. CBD oils are made from organic hemp. Receptra full-spectrum CBD oil includes all of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant and hundreds of additional plant compounds such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and terpenes.
CBD For Your Pets?
The answer is absolutely. We are not the only only ones with sore joints and muscles. That four legged ball of happiness that calls you theirs and you theirs is worth care. Having achieved the title of “Best CBD Oils for Pets” by American Veterinarian. Receptra’s balms tinctures and treats are said to alleviate anxiety, pain and are even known to reduce seizures in some animals. With the plethora of options that exist Receptra is a natural and obvious choice.