Dr Dabber vs Dabado : Some Portable eRigs Are Exactly The Same

Two eRig companies that have very similar products are Dr Dabber and Dabado. The products look as if they are made from the same factory. They probably are. Here we will put heads up Dr Dabber vs Dabado on electronic dab rigs their main product. We will see if there is any noticeable difference between the two.
Dr Dabber vs Dabado – Portable eRigs Compared
Dr Dabber has two eRigs, the Dr Dabber Boost and the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition. Dabado has the Bolt, Bolt Pro, Bolt 2, and Bolt 2 Pro. Dr Dabber may be coming out with a new eRig soon, but as of now the Dr Dabber Boost Black edition is their highest end version.
Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition vs Dabado Bolt Pro
Check out both of these portable eRigs. The buttons are in the same place. The stands look the same. Atomizers look identical. Same heating element? Check! These appear to be the exact same product.

They may not be exactly the same, but they are effectively the same devices. Those new to vape pens may not be aware, but a lot of vapes are the same thing with different labeling. That seems to be the case here.

Dabado Rallys Ahead On New Product
So what does Dabado have over Dr Dabber? The new Dabado Pro 2 Kit looks like a further updated version of the Dabado Bolt Pro (also known as the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition with different labeling). It adds some pretty decent features.
Dabado Bolt Pro 2 Kit
We compare best to best in this Dr Dabber vs Dabado rundown. The Dabado Bolt Pro 2 Kit does appear to be better than the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition. Added features include LED screen with temperature gauge, larger atomizers, removable battery, and a twice as thick heating element. The Bolt Pro 2 Kit is also more expensive at $169 than the Boost Black Edition at $139 from GotVape. The Bolt Pro original version at $109 is a better deal than the Boost Black Edition and pretty much the same item.
And The Winner of Dr Dabber vs Dabado Is… Dabado
Dabado wins simply by offering a better option at the current time than Dr Dabber. The Bolt Pro 2 has more features and larger atomizers than the Boost Black Edition.

Things may change in the future when Dr Dabber puts out a new product. For now Dabado takes the lead, although neither product is really worthwhile as explained below.
The Real Best Deal On Dr Dabber vs Dabado
Further research leads me to DHgate to see if I can find the same item for a lot less. I found what appears to be the same model as the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition / Bolt Pro original version.
It is $71 on DHgate and appears to be the same factory that makes products for Dr Dabber and Dabado. If you buy more than one the prices go down. SPlit with a friend or two and make it cheaper. Overall it is the best dollar for dollar deal if you really want this vape and are not looking to spend more. If you really want the branding, you can get the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition here. You can get the Dabado items from their website. To get the original manufacturer version by G9 for $71, click the picture below.