Vapir Pen Review : Clean Taste, Quality Build, But Dated Atomizers

Vapir Pen Delivers On Taste But Seems Old School On Tech
Vapir has released herbal vaporizers for over 10 years, and the Vapir Pen is their first foray into the wax pen market. Will this more affordable vape pen dominate like their other products? Let’s see how this $70 pen rates.
Design & Quality
The Vapir Pen at 14mm in diameter and a little over 5 inches tall, stands at the smaller end of the vape pen size spectrum. It has a nice black chrome color that is almost identical to the Puffco Plus. We would not fault you if you confused it as bizarre world version of the Puffco Plus due to the color similarities. That’s where the similiarities stop on these vapes.
The Vapir Pen has short with a slim mouthpiece, with a ventilated square opening that your lips rest on comfortably. It uses a 650mah eGo threaded battery with 3 Temp Settings: Low (Green), Medium (Blue), and High (Red). It has a great looking teardrop shape logo for the battery’s power button. Charging is convenient with Micro USB.
It comes included with 2 atomizers: a quartz double coil atomizer and a coil-less ceramic donut atomizer. The Vapir Pen uses a very nice looking alloy free of solder and weld marks. When you vape it’s absent of that infamous “vape pen smell” we got off the ThisThingRips vaporizer. The wire used in the coil seems to be higher quality. The ceramic donut does work well. However, the unit gets really hot fast when using it especially on High heat setting. Both atomizers use the same deep ceramic cup. Instead of air holes near the coils halfway like most other atomizers the airflow goes through 2 small spaces built at the top of the cup.

Ease of Use
The Vapir Pen is just as easy to use as most other vape pens with 3 temp settings, except instead of clicking it 3 times to change temperature, you click it 4 times. Not sure why they made it different but it is easier to just keep with the industry standard of 3 clicks.
If you’re using more stable material, removing the mouthpiece is the easiest way to reload and drop your material. If it’s more gooey, you’ll need to unscrew the atomizer or you’ll get wax on the walls of your mouthpiece.
The Vapir Pen gives good strong clouds on its highest Red setting on both atomizers, but never gives you that feeling of lungs clenching for dear life. The strongest hit you will get from this vape is using the double coil quartz atomizer on High.
The Vapir Pen’s atomizers are night and day on efficiency. The ceramic donut is very efficient with only a small amount of wax melting under the ceramic donut. This is more noticeable if you donut is not completely flat on the floor.
The double coil quartz atomizer on the other hand wastes a lot of wax in three ways. You lose wax to either to the side of the coils, the walls, or worse under the coils where you will not be able to retrieve it. Though it is annoying, it is not worse than other double coil atomizers out there. Also, the higher opening means wax doesn’t’ over flow out of the chamber which is a plus to the design
Versatility / Atomizer Options
The Vapir Pen’s two atomizers are the only options available. While they are both good, they’re both pretty much standard minimum on most vape pens in 2017. They seem like the styles that were new in 2015.
The Vapir Pen’s very small 5-inch height makes it perfect to take with you anywhere. It’s so light, you won’t notice it in your pocket. The Micro USB charging port also means it’s incredibly easy to charge if you’re at your friend’s house. Any non-iPhone smart phone charger or cable will probably do the job.
The dark gunmetal black and small size of the Vapir Pen make it easy to sneak in a small hit discreetly. No light under the battery, no bell and whistles to catch anyone’s attention. This pen is very discreet and will appear to most as a standard eCig.
The coil-less ceramic donut gives great flavor as expected from a ceramic donut atomizer. The surprising part was that the Vapir Pen uses good titanium wire that doesn’t make your wax taste like burnt diesel. The double coil quartz is not as good as the ceramic donut, but it doesn’t leave you with a “vape pen taste.”
If you’re just looking for flavorful hits, the ceramic donut is still your best bet on this vape.
The Vapir Pen looks great and hits great, but at $69.95 in 2017, this is not a great deal. It includes a standard 650mah 3 setting eGo battery, the 2 atomizer, and small dab tool. If you can find this for like $50, it’s a good deal.
The cheapest we could find it was at Vape Pen US here. Currently it is $64.95 then use their coupon code VAPELIFE for 20% off. That comes out to $55.21 shipped. If you know of a cheaper place please post in the comments below. We do not recommend eBay as most manufacturer’s do not honor the warranty.

The Vapir Pen has a 1 year battery warranty similar to most big brands on the market. They do not state an atomizer warranty, but we would hope they would at least replace any DOA atomizers.
Vapir Pen replacements are $19.95 a piece, for both the double coil and ceramic donut. That’s on par with the more expensive replacements from other brands. Considering it is a very standard 2015 style atomizer this is not a great deal.
There aren’t too many coupons going around for Vapir, so you’re likely stuck paying full price. We could not find them on Vape Pen US that had the coupon for the full unit.
Conclusion: Vapir Pen Solid For a First Pen by Vapir
Vapir built a solid first entry into the vape pen market with Vapir Pen with a discreet portable design and a coil and coil-less atomizer. The Vapir Pen is a good option that feels a year or so too late when it comes to atomizer design. Ceramic donut atomizers and double coil quartz have been out since 2015. The quality of these atomizers is good though. The wiring on the coiled atomizer has no crimps which is a big plus. With the coupon it is an OK deal compared to other vape pens.