How to Make Canna Oil For Edibles

Make Canna Oil For Your Edibles, Healthier Than Butter!
There are many reasons people choose to eat their weed instead of smoking it. The reason it’s important to learn how to make canna oil is that is healthier than smoking weed or using canna butter.
Orally ingesting cannabis results in a much lengthier high, lasting many hours. It is the safest way to consume cannabis because it requires no heat or combustion. Edibles can be extremely potent, which means you also get your bang for your buck. Learn how to make canna oil and canna butter and you can make your own edibles!
Unlike smoking pot, edibles are introduced through the gastrointestinal tract and processed by the liver. They eventually make their way to your bloodstream, and that’s when the smile gets bigger. Cannabis-infused oil or butter is the easiest way to make your own medicated meals or munchies. The process can seem daunting, but it’s much easier than you think!
Before you start, you must choose your method. Are you going to use a slow cooker or the stove top? Are you planning on using butter or oil? Fresh weed or AVB? There are many ways of making your mix, depending on personal taste and strength of your product. Just play around and you’ll figure out what you prefer. Here we will go through the different ways to make canna oil. We will cover canna butter as well, but I personally prefer oil!
THC needs to properly decarboxylate so that it’s able to convert into its psychoactive form. So, if using fresh bud, you must toast it before adding to any canna oil/canna butter recipe.

(Please be warned: this can be quite a smelly job!)
- Preheat oven to 225° F
- Line oven tray with baking paper
- Break up weed into small pieces, and spread evenly over tray surface
- Bake for about 20 minutes to dry it up (depending on freshness).
- Remove from the oven when the leaves are a medium brown and cool for a couple of minutes
- Turn oven up to 240° F and crumble your leaves while the oven heats up further
- Cover weed loosely with foil and bake for another 45mins-1hr
- Remove from oven and leave on a safe surface to cool down (and BAM it’s ready to use)
Using AVB (my preference)
Already Vaped Bud (or AVB) is a term for dry cannabis leaves that have already been vaporized. A lot of people don’t realize you can reuse your AVB, so they throw it out after their vape sesh. Please take my advice and save those scraps! AVB contains residual THC and CBD. Unless you scorch it or vape multiple times on the same bunch. It’s at lower levels, but still effective when eaten. If you already know how to make canna oil, you may not have known you can use AVB.
AVB is my personal go to for canna oil. An extra bonus of this method is that you can skip the ‘de-carbing process. That already happened when you vaped it. I also like using AVB because I get to enjoy my weed twice 😉
The quantities below make potent canna butter. Feel free to decrease the amount of bud if you prefer a lighter dose. With any of these recipes, you don’t want the temperature to get too hot. It will burn off those active cannabinoids. Instead, heat the mix at a low temp for a longer period. This allows for a more powerful infusion.
Standard Canna Butter ingredients:
- 1 lb unsalted butter
- 1 cup water (you can add more if needed)
- 1 ounce of bud (use more if using trim)
Coconut Oil
THC is not water soluble, but it binds very well to monounsaturated fats in oil. Coconut oil has the highest saturated fat content, but is also one of the healthiest fats to bind with. Its flavor mutes the taste of weed more than butter does. The subtle coconut flavor mixes into almost everything (if you like coconut that is).
My CocoCannaOIL Ingredients:
- ½ a cup of AVB (about 10ish grams for a small batch)
- 1 cup of coconut oil
- ½ cup water

Basic Stove Top Method:

Add butter or oil and water into a pan. Melt over a low heat on your stove top. The water prevents the fats from burning, and your weed getting scorched.
Once the butter has fully melted, add your ground flower. Never let mixture come to a boil. Simmer gently for 2-8 hours, checking and stirring every half an hour.
Slow Cooker Method (my preference)

Add water, butter or oil, and ground flower into jar and secure lid. Add a cup of water to crock pot, and place jar in the middle. Secure lid of cooker.
Turn onto slow cook (low) and leave to cook slowly for 5-24 hours. The longer you let your product infuse the better. When it comes to making cannaoil, low and slow always wins.
For All Methods:
With hand protection or using tongs, carefully remove your jar from the slow-cooker or pan from the stove top (Remember, it will be scolding hot!).
- Place your cheesecloth over a bowl so the edges are draped over the sides and secure
- Slowly pour your mixture into the middle of the cheesecloth so it pools together
- Collect edges of cheesecloth around mixture and gather together at the top
- Tie top of bundle with elastic to hold together
- Hold over a deep container and use tongs to squeeze oil mixture out of cheesecloth pouch (squeeze hard to get out as much oil as you can, it may be stuck in the middle)
- Leave to cool until refrigerator ready
- Refrigerate until the oil/butter separates from the water and hardens on top
- Run knife gently around hardened edges and lift out of container
- Dab any water remains off your block and refrigerate until needed

Whenever you make a medicated recipe, do not microwave canna oil. This may disrupt the psychoactive compounds in your mixture). Instead leave it at room temperature until soft.
You can throw this concoction in or onto anything. Bake it into brownies or cookies. Pour it on your pasta or dip into it with bread. You can add it to your coffee, or just swallow a cube if you’re feeling lazy. The possibilities are endless, and the highs are elongated.
Remember guys, marijuana edibles have a slow onset and the strength is hard to judge with much certainty. One of my favorite sayings when it comes to dosage;
I had to learn this the hard way with the Korova Black Bar. When my whole apartment ended up in bed at 7pm after brazenly splitting what is meant to be 20 doses, between 4. Never again.
Now that you have learned how to make canna oil, stay safe out there people. Learn your limits and take your time. Figure out how potent your batch is before deciding on acceptable measures. Learn more about the Pros and Cons of Marijuana Edibles here.