Ooze Vault Review – Convenient Storage Chamber, Moderate Performance

Ooze Vault Review – Convenient Storage Chamber, Moderate Performance

The Ooze Vault extract battery is a compact device that is compatible with 510 threaded cartridges. Along with this, the battery comes with a wax tank to smoke your concentrates. Here we review the battery itself and its performance on both the wax tank and a pre-filled THC cartridge.


  • Convenient and Portable
  • Compact device
  • Storage chamber


  • Too much plastic
  • No auto shut-off feature
  • Wax tank delivers light hits

Recommendations: A lower price rate for its quality and performance. Made out of a different type of material other than plastic. Also, could use improvements on the wax tank.

Check out our video review below and then keep reading on for a more in-depth review of the Ooze Vault Extract battery.


The Ooze Vault battery is a neat and convenient device, but its performance on it is just okay

ooze vault battery
This battery fits comfortably on your palm and is very portable because of its size, but with a cartridge on, not very discrete.

Unpacking the Ooze Vault battery, I didn’t expect much just because the battery itself is simple and seems a bit ordinary. After testing it out with both a cartridge and the wax tank, I did enjoy using it but the performance was just okay. It delivers fair hits and can be convenient to carry, but unfortunately, the wax tank didn’t exceed great standards. As for cartridges, it does deliver good hits. 

Convenient storage chamber inside the battery

ooze vault
Providing a storage chamber for your cartridge can be favorable in many ways.

What makes the Ooze Vault battery unique is its storage chamber it provides. Located underneath the battery itself, there is a knob that can twist off (besides the temperature settings knob). This is probably the highlight of this battery itself. What’s great about this is that you can actually twist your cartridge to the bottom piece to ensure that your cartridge stays sturdy and won’t break.

This is a great and convenient feature for a variety of reasons. For one, this helps a lot with portability. Also, you can carry two different cartridges around you (or carry the wax tank along) easily. But not only this, it can help prevent you from breaking your cartridge if you have that bad luck of breaking your cart frequently. 

The Ooze Vault extract battery is simple and portable, nothing special with the hardware itself

Although the storage chamber is a cool and unique feature about the Ooze vault, when it comes to performance, it is pretty average. It’s simple to use and works well with cartridges. The exterior design is kind of typical, I believe they use a little too much plastic. As for the hardware itself, it doesn’t really exceed expectations. It just delivers fair hits and is good for its convenience and features.

Dual quartz wax tank is nice to have, not very efficient nor strong

ooze vault extract
The dual quartz wax tank provided with this battery delivers light, but exceptional hits.

The wax tank the Ooze Vault comes with may be convenient to carry but doesn’t really deliver the best hits. First off, this tank opens up into three, the tank itself, a screen, and the mouthpiece. The screen is nice to have, for it helps so dabs won’t get on the mouthpiece and onto your lips.

With that being said, the atomizer is a pretty small pack and doesn’t deliver in strength nor efficiency. Dual quartz isn’t always the most efficient, but you can still get a few decent hits off this wax tank. Unfortunately, the hits you get are somewhat light and thin, not very strong.

The Ooze Vault delivers smooth and tasteful hits

The Ooze Vault allows you to change the temperature settings from 2.6V-3.8V, giving you the option for stronger hits or lighter, tasteful hits. When using this battery at 2.6V-3V, you get very smooth hits and the most out of the flavor. High temp on a cartridge does deliver good hits. As with the wax tank, even at high-temp, not so much.

Good strength when using with a cartridge, not so much with the wax tank

Having a high temperature of 3.8V, this battery does deliver decent strength. Not the strongest, but still acceptable. When used with a cartridge at mid-high temp, it does deliver great strength. You’ll get nice and thick smoke. But when using the Ooze Vault with the wax tank, you don’t get that strong of hits. Even at max temperature, I’d get fairly light hits.

Adjustable temperature settings is another nice feature, but may get stuck

dab pen
Adjustable temperature settings located underneath the battery itself, next to the storage chamber.

At first, I enjoyed the unique, adjustable-knob to change the temperature setting. It’s definitely not like any typical dab pens/battery, and it also changes color as you adjust the temperature. From low temp (blue), mid temp (green), and high temp (red).

I still do enjoy this feature, but at one point the knob did get stuck on me, in between mid-temperature settings. This wouldn’t always happen, but at random times, without warning, it just happens to get stuck. I haven’t had this problem recently, and I’m also unsure if this is just a manufacturing problem with just my battery. I feel as if this may happen more often than not, not too sure but just something to mention.

450 mAH battery – surprisingly lasts a while for a compact battery

For being a relevantly small battery, this device can last a while and is good for multiple sessions. While using it consistently, it lasts me well over a day and provides sufficient sessions. Unfortunately, this battery doesn’t come with an auto shut-off feature. If you forget to turn off the battery, which may happen more often than not, it dies quicker even if you’re not using it. 

The Ooze Vault may be convenient, but slightly high for its value

The price for this battery goes for $39.99, which honestly isn’t that bad. But at this price range, you have many more options to pick from, a few delivering better in performance. The main thing about this battery is its storage-chamber feature, which is very unique and convenient. But other than that, the batter hits mediocre and delivers average hits.

Furthermore, the price range may not be expensive, but it isn’t really low-end. You can find many great, low-end price products that cost less than $40 and still deliver great quality. If you’re looking for inexpensive wax pens (primarily for concentrates) the Yocan Armor is a great battery and is only $30. It definitely delivers much better strength, the quartz tank in it delivers better hits. Or if you’re looking for inexpensive batteries specifically for cartridges, the CCELL Silo and CCELL Palm not only deliver great performance but they’re only $25. 

Concluding the Ooze Vault battery review

To sum up, the Ooze Vault extract battery is a convenient device to carry, but this battery only delivers fair performance. The wax tank is also a neat feature but doesn’t deliver great hits. I wouldn’t recommend this product if you’re only going to use it for the wax tank. What really makes this battery unique and convenient is its storage chamber feature. For its price, it is questionable since the performance on it delivers just fair results. If you’re someone who breaks their cartridges frequently, this is a great battery to prevent this from happening again. You can get the Ooze Vault battery here.

Readers, what are your thoughts on the Ooze Vault Extract battery? Comments or questions? Post your review below or in our forum.
